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How to configure instant book?

Instant book enables customers to see real time availability and instantly book an event that works for their group.

Many customers do not want to submit a request and go back and forth and are looking for an option that they can book and be done immediately. Instant book listings give customers that option and is a filterable option. 

Enabling instant book can have a big impact on your listings with the average listing that has instant book enabled seeing more than double the average listing without instant book enabled.

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To setup instant book you will first want to make sure you have properly setup your calendar to only show available options and either sync an external calendar or actively manage your calendar to ensure only available times are shown to customers.

Setup your calendar and office hours


Once your availability properly reflects your actual available times you can setup instant book by going to Profile & Settings ->Settings & Policies and enabling instant book.



With enabling instant book you can also set your instant book lead time which is how many days lead time before times should be shown as instant book. This doesn't need to match your normal lead time. Say for example you can accept events 1 day in advance but in order for you to have a customer instantly book a day and time would need 3 days notice you would set the instant book lead time as 3 days and lead time as 1 day.

Below is how instant book appears to the customer which can still show all availability but instant book will only be for ones past your instant book lead time setting when instant book is enabled.