How do I invoice or refund clients?

Please follow the steps below to properly invoice or refund the customer so that we can ensure proper compensation for your hard work and efforts for the customer.

Use the below steps to invoice additional charges or refund clients for surplus guests.

1. Select the event you are looking to invoice or credit

2. Click on Event Actions and select "Add or remove participants" or "Send invoice with custom items":

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 11.00.30 AM

4. The actions are also available in the messaging section:

3. Within the chat feature of that particular event, you will see several actions to choose from:

  • View Event Details Page - This will allow you to share the client's event homepage/video conference link with them if they inquire

  • Reschedule or Cancel - If you need to reschedule or cancel, you can submit that here

  • Add or Remove Participant - Invoice or refund the client for guests

  • Send Invoice with Custom Item - Invoice the client for other items, such as international or expedited shipping, add-ons, etc.*

  • Other Support Requests - You can also reach out to us directly at

*As a reminder, any and all quotes submitted to Elevent must include our commission as we do not add that and take the number you send to directly invoice the client.

4. How to invoice/issue a refund

To issue an invoice choose Add participants and determine the number that you would like to add.  If you need to issue a refund for participants you can do it by selecting remove participants. 

5. You can see all invoices/credit memos under the invoice tab.  

We show all of the processed payments/credits and the pending payments and credit.  If the customer has paid the invoices they will show as paid.  Elevent currently approves credit memos so it may take 24 hours for it to show as refunded.