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  2. Manage Your Events/Orders

How can I communicate with the customer?

While Elevent will handle all invoicing, invitations, address collection, the chat offers you a chance to connect directly with the customer to answer event-specific questions!


Here are some best practices for your chat:

Host Comms - Chat Best Practices



We have seen not only higher star reviews, but larger numbers of reviews for hosts that do the following things:

    • Sending an introduction chat via the messaging feature
    • Following up post-event with your review link, see the image below:


Other tips:

  • If a client asks for the video conference link, the best practice is to copy the link from "View Event Homepage" from that event and share. This will not only give them the video conference link but also any instructions for your event!
  • Communication out of the portal - Please do not share outside links, emails, or coupons through chat as our goal is to support both you and the customer and cannot jump in to support if needed!
  • Invoicing or addresses collection - Elevent will handle this all for you! If you are in need of these things, there are several buttons you can access via the messaging feature, check out the image below for the different options you have to notify the team:
    Host Comms - How to notify Elevent of invoice needs-1
  • Chat is great for post-event photos and reminding them to review your experience! You can send along a review link once the event is under "Completed"