Congrats - you've been booked! Follow the below steps to see how you can confirm your booking and get the information you need for a successful order/event.
1. You'll receive an event confirmation via email
2. This confirmation will show the number of guests, date, time, and order #
3. From this email, you can login to your Host Portal to enter the approve/review the event information!
4. Once approved, you can view all upcoming orders on the Orders tab
5. The event will now appear in your "Pending" events section
6. Click on Submit event information
7. Enter the event info and emergency contract
1) Video Conference URL
2) This section is for your meeting ID and/or password only
8. Enter any messages or emergency contacts and click submit!
1) Message to event participants - This should be only something that is not already listed in your instructions. This is optional!
2) Submit your day-of emergency email and phone contact. A backup is preferred if possible!